Count Your Blessings - Autumn 1952
November 1952
Location: Cordes Hall, Sunninghill, SL5 9NE
Directed by: Jane Harris
Written by: Ronald Jeans
To the young married couple, Gay and Pelham, life is a perpetual financial crisis, and to augment their income they decide to take in paying guests. But with one exception the guests turn out to be more impoverished, and with the rents mounting in arrears the situation is far from improved. Under an aunt's will Gay is to receive the interest on a msall sum of money, but cannot touch the capital unless she is widowed or divorced. It will obviously take several years to pay their debts out of the interest and, as widowhood for Gay is not attractive to either of them, they decide that a nice friendly divorce is the only thing to keep them solvent - with re-marriage after a decent interval. Quarrels are organized in front of their friends, and Gay takes great pains to select a suitably safe corespondent for her husband from among the paying guests. Unfortunately Pelham is found in the embrace of a particularly glamorous blonde, instead of the dim dancing mistress who was chosen, and for a time it seems as though the divorce will be genuine and permanent.