NODA Reports

NODA Reports

NODA is the National Operatic and Dramatic Association.

NODA was Founded in 1899 “to protect and advance the interests of operatic and dramatic art, and of societies engaged therein”, our membership continues with 2053 society members and 999 individual enthusiasts individual enthusiasts staging musicals, operas, plays, concerts and pantomimes in venues ranging from the country’s leading professional theatres to village halls.

NODA’s mission is to support the education and information needs of individuals and organisations with high quality services and products that contribute to the success of amateur theatre as well as encouraging appreciation of the sector by participants and audiences alike.


  • Give a shared voice to the amateur theatre sector.
  • Help amateur societies and individuals achieve the highest standards of best practice and performance.
  • Provide leadership and advice to enable the amateur theatre sector to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

To Find out more about NODA please visit their website


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